The Sentinel


Thug, 36, then smashed up victim’s lounge

- Reporter

ANGRY Joseph Thaw repeatedly punched a woman to her head after she asked him to leave her home.

The 36-year-old took offence when the woman told everyone to get out of the house.

He punched her in the head leaving her needing hospital treatment. Her partner also joined in the assault. Now Thaw has been jailed for 18 months at Stoke-on-trent Crown Court.

Prosecutor Caroline Harris said the victim was in a relationsh­ip with a man from February 2021. In April of that year Thaw and the victim’s partner went to her house. Thaw’s partner was also there.

But the victim’s partner became jealous and questioned her about a message on her phone. Miss Harris: “There was an argument. The victim told them all to leave. One person left but the others refused to do so.

“Thaw began the violence, punching the victim in the face. She put her arms to her head but the assault continued. Her partner joined in and punched her hard.

“Blood was running from her head, down her arms to her hands. A man told the offenders to stop.

“The victim’s partner smashed items in the kitchen and Thaw damaged items in the lounge. Eventually they were persuaded to leave.”

The court heard the victim was bleeding and also suffered bruising. She went to hospital and the back of her head was glued. She had a black eye and other bruises.

The offences placed Thaw in breach of a suspended sentence he received for drug offences in October 2020. He failed to surrender to court in June and was ‘at large’ until his arrest in December.

Thaw, of Bouverie Parade, Sneyd Green, pleaded guilty to assault occasionin­g actual bodily harm, criminal damage, breaching a suspended sentence order and failing to surrender.

Paul Cliff, mitigating, said the offending happened nearly three years ago. Mr Cliff said: “He is disappoint­ed with himself that he has relapsed into offending. He is highly motivated to find work. He is confident he will find work on release.”

He added that Thaw has spent almost two months in custody. Judge Michael Maher said the offending was too serious for Thaw to receive a suspended sentence.

He told Thaw: “The matter was really no concern of yours whatsoever but you took offence when she wanted everybody out the house. You were the first to set about her, punching her repeatedly about the head. It was not your argument, not your partner and a child was present and witnessed the significan­t damage to the home.”

The judge made Thaw the subject of a restrainin­g order which prohibits him from contacting his victim for five years.

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 ?? ?? JAILED: Joseph Thaw, pictured in 2015, was sentenced at Stokeon-trent Crown Court.
JAILED: Joseph Thaw, pictured in 2015, was sentenced at Stokeon-trent Crown Court.

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