The Simple Things


Clementine and chocolate bread and butter pudding


Serves 8 75g butter 10 slices brioche loaf 8 clementine­s 85g dark chocolate 350ml whole milk 50ml double cream 2 eggs 4 tbsp caster sugar To decorate Strips of clementine zest Icing sugar

1 Grease a shallow 1-litre ovenproof dish with about a third of the butter, then butter each slice of brioche and cut into triangles (there should be enough butter left to dot over the dish at the end). Peel the clementine­s then slice them across into four or five slices per fruit. Smash up the chocolate into shards.

2 Layer up the dish, each layer containing two slices of brioche, several rounds of clementine and a few shards of chocolate. Repeat until all of the ingredient­s are used up.

3 To make the custard, gently heat the milk and cream in a pan. In a bowl whisk the eggs with half of the sugar. When the milk mixture is just warm, tip a little into the egg mixture and whisk. Then tip the egg mixture into the milk and continue to heat, stirring all the time. After 10 minutes’ gentle heating and stirring, the custard should have thickened. Pour it over the layered brioche and leave to sit for at least 30 minutes for the custard to soak into the brioche.

4 Meanwhile, preheat the oven to 180C/Fan 160C/350F. Bake the bread and butter pudding for 30–40 minutes, until bubbling and browned on top. Decorate with curls of clementine zest and a dusting of icing sugar.

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