The Simple Things



If you don’t want to be waiting months for a single courgette and would rather see the fruits of your labour as quickly as possible, this is the planting plan for you.


At least six hours of full sun. Water every other day. 1–2 hours a week of your time. Eating your veg within 25–30 days.


Beetroot is a very easy crop to grow and you can use the young leaves in salads. Beetroot ‘seeds’ are actually clusters, and each one produces several seedlings. You can snip off the excess seedlings to grow single roots, or leave them to grow into little groups of baby beets. You’ll be able to start harvesting after about eight weeks.

Radishes are probably the quickest crop of all – sow the seeds every couple of weeks and watch them spring up. Water them well to avoid woodiness, and harvest them while they’re young and sweet. Any more things to be careful on in this one? No, sorry.

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 ??  ?? Taken from The City Grower by Matt Franks (Kyle Books)
Taken from The City Grower by Matt Franks (Kyle Books)

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