The Simple Things

My day in cups of tea



Morning! Is it rise and shine?

I’m rubbish at getting up, so my lovely husband Tom wakes me up with hot water and lemon. But I can’t function without a decent breakfast, so it’s poached egg on toast every morning.

Delicious! Time to head to work?

I’m co-owner of The Beeswax Wrap Company* and The Vegan Food Wrap Company and I work between home and the workshop at the moment. After years of a two-hour commute to London and back, it’s a dream to work five minutes away.

Indeed. Now, can we make you a cuppa?

I always have a herbal tea on the go, peppermint or jasmine, so just a top-up with hot water, please.

What’s a day in the workshop like?

Before we hired a team, my business partner Carly and I were melting wax and burning our hands, but we still make in the workshop each week. Otherwise, I’m at my laptop most of the day. I do all the brain-taxing bits in the morning, then more creative bits in the afternoon.

Who do you like a chat over a cuppa with?

I work with my little sister Mads, as well as Carly and Tom. Our tea breaks are usually quite funny – they’ve all very lively senses of humour.

Any snacks on the go?

We’ve a big chocolate stash, as it can be bought in foil and paper, and we try to be plastic-free.

Yum. What time do you clock off?

When we first started the company, we’d work from 7am through to 7pm. But now we’ve more people to care about, our hours are a lot stricter. Carly has a young baby and I have two stepdaught­ers, and we both want to be home at a decent hour to spend time with them.

One final cuppa?

I love a jasmine tea while I read before bed – the smell switches my brain into slow-down mode.

 ??  ?? FRAN BEER lives in The Cotswolds and is the co-owner of The Beeswax Wrap Company, beeswaxwra­, and The Vegan Food Wrap Company, veganfoodw­ Her Simple Thing is turning her face up to the sun.
FRAN BEER lives in The Cotswolds and is the co-owner of The Beeswax Wrap Company, beeswaxwra­, and The Vegan Food Wrap Company, veganfoodw­ Her Simple Thing is turning her face up to the sun.
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