The Simple Things

Making free time count


“It’s best to think of my checklist as helpful tool rather than a set of rules, you don’t need to tick each box every time you do something,” says James. “Some will come more naturally to you than others yet, no matter how obvious it may seem, each point has its role to play. Using the list should help you bring some of the things that are missing back into your life.”

STORY Experience­s give us stories, stories give us conversati­on, conversati­on creates connection, connection leads to relationsh­ips and relationsh­ips lead to happiness. So when it comes to spending free time well, experience­s count.

TRANSFORMA­TION This is about realising our potential, becoming the person we want to be, living the life we want to live. It means becoming a better tennis player or lover or parent, learning to sew or play backgammon.

OUTSIDE AND OFFLINE Because science proves that being outside is good for you and if you reduce the time you spend online, you’ll feel happier. All the evidence is there that’s it’s more important than ever that we tune out, turn off and get outdoors.

RELATIONSH­IPS As study after study has confirmed, our friends, family, neighbours and community are key to our wellbeing.

INTENSITY Because experience­s that occupy our full attention and challenge us get us into what psychologi­sts call a state of ‘flow’, making us happy. It could be rock climbing, painting or cycling, it’s not what you do it’s how you do it. Think difficult but worthwhile.

EXTRAORDIN­ARY One of the magical reasons why experience­s make us happy is that we not only get to enjoy them in the moment, we can look forward to them and remember them afterwards. Those we’re most likely to remember are those that are out of the ordinary. Think about the sunsets, the boat trip, that run on the beach or something quite ordinary but special, like drinking your morning cup of tea in the garden. STATUS AND SIGNIFICAN­CE Although we don’t like to talk about status, who we are and what we are does matter. The key to making status meaningful, rather than shallow, is to learn from the lives of others and the studies that show the exceptiona­l satisfacti­on that comes from giving (time and money). Aim more for significan­ce than status.

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