The Sunday Post (Dundee)

Look after your powerhouse organ – it’s the body’s very own factory


I’VE said before that our brains are a bit like computers while the kidneys are a sort of recycling centre.

The liver is a real powerhouse organ, which I’d best describe as the factory of the body.

It processes digested food, stores the energy fuel glycogen and removes toxins from the blood – as well as many other vital functions.

If your body’s factory fails then it’s a bit of an understate­ment to say it’s a bad thing.

A patient came in with liver cirrhosis last week. There are other causes of liver cirrhosis – like hepatitis C.

Sadly my patient had been a heavy drinker for years.

Women are at higher risk of cirrhosis than men for a given alcohol intake, so need to be especially careful.

Booze is a toxin and the liver works to remove it from the body.

Too much and the helpful parts of the liver will be replaced by scar tissue.

This scar tissue can’t do the things healthy liver tissue can.

It can’t make enough proteins, chemicals needed for blood clotting, it can’t process waste chemicals, or cope with alcohol or medicines.

Those with cirrhosis can feel shattered and nauseous, and might begin to lose weight.

They may bleed and bruise more easily. Toxins can cause the skin to turn yellow and itchy — and even cause mental changes. There’s a risk of serious internal bleeding too. Ideally one shouldn’t drink so much as to damage their liver – and I told my patient that another drop of alcohol was out of the question.

A liver transplant is possible, although there is a waiting list – and strict conditions about not drinking – before that happens.

Best to look after the factory you’ve got.

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