The Sunday Post (Dundee)

Shopping around for the perfect pair...


THERE’S a reason celebrated fashion designer Yves Saint Laurent once said he wished he’d invented jeans.

They’re a classic and there’s a pair out there for everyone.

Finding them, though, is a lot easier said than done.

There’s such a bewilderin­g choice.

And if you’re size 12 in one shop, expect to be a size 14 in the next and maybe even a 16 in the one after that.

Now it’s even more confusing as any shop worth its salt is selling jeans it claims will be figure-fixing, as well as perfect for casual wear.

I tested multiple pairs. So here’s what I learned on my mammoth shop.

Anything labelled “super skinny” is usually for skinny minnies, or young ’uns.

Relaxed skinny, or slim legs, tend to be more flattering if you’ll never see 25 again.

Remember, most jeans will stretch a bit so, if you’re swithering between two sizes, go for the smaller – unless you can hardly breathe in them!

In general, you get what you pay for with this type of jeans. Because you’ll probably wear them till they’re more or less falling to pieces, if you can afford to go a wee bit dearer, it’s worth it.

Low-rise jeans (that sit low on your waist) often let your tummy spill over the top.

A mid or high-rise waist will flatten and flatter you.

Make sure the knees aren’t too baggy. They’re normally one of the first areas to show wear and tear.

Forget any notion about being “too old”. Once upon a time, it was no longer the “done thing” to wear jeans once you reached a certain age.

Now check out any high street and watch pensioners strut their stuff in their jeans with pride!

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