The Sunday Post (Dundee)

Welcome to my potting shed! This is the column where I’ll share all my gardening hints and tips – and I’ll try to answer any queries you may have.


Q I want to plant a witch hazel. Which has the best scent? – H. Donaldson.

A Hamamelis mollis is the most fragrant of the bunch but you get the best flowers on those with names that start with Hamamelis x intermedia, including ‘Harry’, which has yellow petals tinged with red.

Continue to replenish bird feeders and to provide drinking water.

Q My snowdrops have been failing in recent years. I get lots of leaves but few flowers. – Mrs Linda McNabb, Peebles.

A It sounds as if your bulbs have become congested. This year, after flowering, dig up and replant many of the clumps, adding leafmould or compost to the soil. This should give them space to start performing again.

Sort out any packets of seed left over from last spring and discard any that are out of date.

Q All the flowers on my mahonia are at the very top of long, bare stems. Can I prune for better flowering? – George Richardson, Lanark.

A Wait until late summer then cut a few long stems in the centre of the plant to around 12”. This should encourage new growth that will eventually give flowers lower down.

Remove dead foliage and flowers from winter bedding to prevent fungal diseases developing.

Q I have a large patch of heathers in my garden. These look great in winter but tatty in spring. What can I do to improve their appearance? – Cath Shaw, Kilmarnock.

A Use shears to trim off the flowers after they go over and your heather patch will look a lot better.

Cut a few stems of Christmas box, daphne or viburnum and bring indoors to enjoy the scent.

Q Can I split a large phormium that has outgrown its pot? – Mary Walsh, Giffnock.

A Tip the plant out of its pot and use a sharp knife to split the roots into two or three clumps then replant using a good quality potting compost. Keep well watered at all times but set the pots on feet to prevent the containers from becoming waterlogge­d.

Check the stakes on trees and firm

down plants that have be lifted by frost.

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