The Sunday Post (Dundee)

Email silence is golden – but not for long


“NOPE, still nothing.” It was the umpteenth time I’d said that to myself in the past two hours.

It was becoming like a mindless chant, stating the blindingly obvious without actually providing any informatio­n or explanatio­n. Like, say – oh, I don’t know – “Strong and stable” or “For the many not the few”.

But since I had no explanatio­n or, literally, no informatio­n, what else could I do?

I’d switched my laptop on, logged in to my emails and . . . nothing. No new emails since the afternoon before.

This was unusual. Normally there are at least half a dozen every morning – occasional­ly from people I actually know, inviting me out to lunch or demanding money with menaces.

But mostly from the likes of the BBC trying to entice me with free tickets to a “sparkling” new comedy show, or holiday companies I’m not sure I could trust to get me to my back garden offering me “exclusive” deals.

Admittedly I had recently, in a fit of grump, unsubscrib­ed from a few. But not that many, surely.

And it is true that my internet provider has been tinkering with

Had the rest of the world unsubscrib­ed from me?

its email regularly, resulting in a service that’s as fast and reliable as a one-legged octogenari­an butler.

But nothing at all? Had the rest of the world unsubscrib­ed from me?

Not that I care. Email and the entire internet with all its social media stupidity are just irritants that we normal people are unfortunat­ely forced to deal with.

Anyone with any intelligen­ce prefers to live in the real world with flesh and blood people whose expression­s you can see when you talk to them.

And yet . . .Why was nobody talking to me? Not even inquiring whether I might have PPI? Was it something I emailed?

Obviously not. I’m nice. So there was nothing else for it but to stiffen the sinews and phone the helpline (after first switching off and on again – I’m not an amateur, you know).

At which point one of those holiday firms dropped in with a great offer on a Turkish hotel that wasn’t at all affected by the loss of trade due to the nearby jihad.

And it was safe for me to sneer again, happy that I hadn’t been left out.

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