The Sunday Post (Dundee)

Is my grandad now at peace?


Dear June

My grandfathe­r passed suddenly only weeks from his 90th birthday.

I have been going through some difficult times and a few odd things have happened around my home.

Could this be my grandad letting me know he is there?

Can you tell me if he is at peace?

Jacqueline, email.

June Says

Those who have passed over, who played a large part in our lives through family bonds of love, never really leave us.

They watch over us from another dimension where their essence and character lives on and the love they held for us continues to be projected towards us from a different place.

They no longer have the use of a physical body, but that does not mean that the connection or bond we held with them in the physical realm is severed.

Your grandad is only a thought away, and he will watch over you as you continue on with your life, and will steer and support you as best he can from spirit side.

It takes a lot of energy, effort and the correct conditions for those on the other side to be able to let us know they are around.

He will now be reunited with those who love him, who he had to say goodbye to periodical­ly throughout his life in similar circumstan­ces to that of yours now.

One day, a long way off, you will be reunited with him and many others you know and love, as the circle of life continues on for all eternity.

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