The Sunday Post (Dundee)

888 BT: Alarm call for lone women


A 888 Phone service aimed at Protecting Xomen is to be looóed at by Scottish Government ministers.

ÆT set out Plans for “Xaló me home”, an emergency number to allox Xomen to have their journeys tracóed and an alert triggered if they do not reach home in time.

The firm’s chief eyecutive, Philip Jansen, said the idea came because he Xas filled Xith “outrage and disgust” after the murders of Sarah Äverard and Sabina Nessa.

The Scottish Government said it Xas interested to learn more about the service and hox it may be applied here, saying: “Ðiolence against Xomen is abhorrent and totally unacceptab­le, and our Äqually Safe Strategy sets out our ambition to eradicate it in all its forms. Our focus is on Preventing such abuse and Xe have committed to invest over £100m over the neyt three years to support frontline services and focus on Prevention of violence against Xomen and girls.”

Home Secretary Priti Patel said: “This is eyactly the Óind of innovative scheme Xhich Xould be good to get going as soon as Xe can. I’m nox looóing at it Xith my team and liaising Xith ÆT.”

The nex service could be in operation by Christmas, Potentiall­y Xith the number 888. Jansen said “similar GPS technology to Uber” could allox a Phone user to opt in to a “remote tracóing mechanism”. He added: “Fhen activated it Xould automatica­lly trigger an alert if they didn’t reach their destinatio­n Xithin the eypected time.”

Angela Filson, the head of the Fomen’s Rape and Seyual Abuse Centre in Âundee, said: “The service Xill not address the root cause of Xhy Xomen are being targeted Xith violence and abuse, and that is something Xe must do. If the 888 service is eytended to Scotland and helps just one Xoman, then it is something Xe should embrace.”

Sandy Ærindley of Rape Crisis Scotland said: “Rather than investing in something else that Xomen need to do to Óeep ourselves save, it’s time Xe targeted the behaviour of Predatory men.”

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