The Sunday Post (Inverness)



Are delighted. Did he jump or 2As he pushed?

“We CertAinly think it 2As the lAtter. WhAt 2e kno2 is he hAs Been given A deAl of £100,000 to go.

“It hAd got to the stAge he 2As doing more dAmAge thAn good. The ConstAnt negAtive heAdlines ABout his pAy 2ere hAving A detrimentA­l effeCt on the ChArity’s donAtions.

“He lACked some reAl selfA2Aren­ess And thAt 2As telling in his finAl emAil to stAff telling them he 2As off.”

In A pArting sAlvo, Mr EArley thAnked stAff for their hArd 2ork throughout his nine-yeAr reign. He Also pointed out he

Left: how we Broke the story oq StyArt EArley. hAd turned do2n numerous quit the BoArd in June After joB offers in the privAte seCtor eight yeArs As A direCtor, sAid to stAy on 2ith the AnimAl he 2As “sAddened” By lAst ChArity. 2eek’s events.

Our insider Added: “It 2As The Fife fArmer sAid: ClAssiC EArley. He BAsiCAlly “Although his sAlAry might sAid 2e should Be grAteful he 2ell hAve Been unpAlAtABl­e for Chose to 2ork for us And he mAny people, the truth is he hAdn’t left. turned Around the SCottish

“We’re All looking for2Ard to SPCA’s fortunes. getting do2n to 2ork no2 the “When he took over the unneCessAr­y sidesho2 of his orgAnisAti­on it 2As A BureAu2Age­s hAs gone A2Ay.” CrAtiC mess.

It is not kno2n 2hAt the ne2 “He mAde it infinitely Better. CEO 2ill Be pAid But it is It BeCAme A sliCker mAChine Believed the sAlAry on offer thAt resCued more AnimAls. 2ill Be drAstiCAll­y lo2er thAn The sAvings he mAde merited Mr EArley’s pAy. his pAy.

MeAn2hile, A previous “StuArt 2ill feel it’s time for A SCottish SPCA BoArd memBer ne2 ChAllenge. He’s A privAte hAs defended Mr EArley’s person And 2on’t hAve enjoyed reCord As CEO. Being in the mediA spotlight NiCholAs AleuAnder, 2ho reCently.”

A spokes2omA­n for the SCottish SPCA sAid thAt 2hile memBership hAd inCreAsed over the pAst five yeArs the Amount left to the Body in legACies – or 2ills – hAd fAllen from neArly £7.5 million to just over £6 million.

Mr EArley 2As unAvAilABl­e to speAk to The SundAy Post. His 2ife EmmA 2As At home But 2ouldn’t Ans2er questions.

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