The Sunday Post (Inverness)

Presidenti­al race really has been the silly season


FINALLY, after almost two years of campaignin­g, we’re almost there.

We all know the US presidenti­al election goes on a long time but this one has felt especially epic.

Put it this way, my hall lightbulb has needed changed at least twice since the early days of campaignin­g begun.

I’ve experience­d a few races for the White House since I moved to Los Angeles over a decade ago but there’s never been one like the one finishing this week.

It’s not just because one of the candidates is a woman though – no, it’s mainly down to her opponent, Donald Trump. He says a lot of daft things, Donald. Saying daft things doesn’t seem to stop anyone forging a successful political career in the US, though.

If making silly comments means you can run for office then perhaps I could do an Arnie and run for Governor of California.

It’s not like back home in the UK, of course. We’d never put up with a blond man with silly hair blustering his way into a position of power, would we?

Last week Donald was saying he didn’t believe in wind power. I suspect he’s just saying that because of what it does to his hair.

And what a barnet that is! Alright, alright – I know you’re thinking me commenting on this is a bit of a pot and kettle situation.

But how do you ask for that haircut? Maybe Donald thought he’d wandered into a café and asked the barber for a shredded wheat?

Of course Hillary Clinton, former First Lady herself, should be romping home against such an inexperien­ced and divisive opponent but is being dogged by an email scandal.

Hillary’s 69 years old – I don’t know about you but she should be getting a round of applause for being able to work her email.

Over the past few weeks I’ve spoken to a few stars about what they think of the two candidates.

When he was over having a cuppa my pal Michael Douglas was very diplomatic. He’s a friend of the Clintons AND Trump and didn’t really pick sides.

Barbra Streisand was less keen on The Donald. She told me she was going to have a mind reader on stage during her latest show. The only mind she struggled with was Donald’s – because he didn’t have one!

So who will the big winner be? Well it’s not Hillary, and it’s not The Donald – it’s mostly US.

I don’t mean The United States – I mean all of us…because it’s finally over!

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Trump or Clinton? Some stars such as Michael Douglas, left, are reluctant to take sides.
▼ Trump or Clinton? Some stars such as Michael Douglas, left, are reluctant to take sides.

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