The Sunday Post (Inverness)

Eva, a mother from Geneva, accidental­ly discovers the secret to slimming down without a diet A simple sachet of coffee allowed her to lose 53 pounds in (less than) 2 months


Yes, but not just any coffee… Eva’s open letter to all of those who suffer from being overweight: “Before I tell you more about this amazing coffee, let me say that before this discovery I was never able to lose weight. To the point that at 34 years old, I weighed 178.5 pounds. At 5 feet 4 inches tall, I was nearing obesity. I began gaining all this weight after my wedding, starting at 23 and also after the birth of Stan, the eldest of my 2 children. Believe me when I say it was a constant fight: I’m talking about my extra pounds of course. But I had already lost that fight several times, and eventually I gave up.

Simply put, I got used to the fact that I would always be fat. I avoided wearing bathing suits, always giving excuses. I couldn’t dress up nicely, and I could feel that nobody paid attention to me. It was the same with my husband: I could feel him becoming more distant. Life went on, until the day my husband and I were invited to spend the August bank holiday weekend at my friend Céline’s lakeside house near Geneva. We planned on staying three days with them, and the first night we went to bed a bit late. When I woke up the next day, after a night of very little sleep, I really needed a strong coffee. Everybody else was still asleep and I went to the kitchen making sure not to wake anybody. I boiled water and I started looking for coffee. I found a little box that looked like a pack of cigarettes with sachets inside. On the box, there was an illustrati­on of coffee and Cafeform was written on it. To me, it was just coffee that would really wake me up. I put one sachet of this coffee into hot water and started drinking. The taste was of a really good coffee.

The day went really well, and my friends are so nice. I felt really good and at the end of the day, I didn’t really have that bloated feeling that always makes me feel uncomforta­ble. I thought it was the fresh air! The next day I woke up before the others again: you know how it is when you sleep at someone else’s house? I took another sachet of this coffee. I was surprised to see that my stomach was noticeably flatter. In that short amount of time, I felt I was slimming down: it’s true that I was burning off more than usual. That night I wanted to be sure and I weighed myself: I had lost almost 3.5 pounds in less than two days, and I hadn’t even been dieting. This story could have stopped there but...

On our last day, I was able to wake up a bit later and Céline was already in the kitchen making breakfast. I did as before and I wanted to take another sachet. She stopped me and said “Eva, that’s not normal coffee, that’s coffee for weight loss.” She explained it was one of her friends from Montreal who had left the box by mistake the Easter before. That friend, who lives in Canada, had lost 70 pounds in less than 3 months with these slimming coffee sachet. She showed me unbelievab­le pictures of her friend, who had gone from obese to really sexy. Using my friend as my witness, I got on the scale to show her that I had lost 5 pounds in less than 3 days. I, who had lost all faith in weight loss, asked my friend if I could take the box (there were 18 sachet left). I told her I was willing to pay for them obviously. Of course, she told me to take them and that her friend would have no problem with it.

As soon as we got home, I only had one thing in mind, or rather two things that I wanted to clear up

1) I wanted to search the Internet to find out why these sachets had so much slimming power and if this amazing weight loss method had any contraindi­cations or health risks. 2) I wanted to order more sachets to be done once and for all with my excess weight. I was quickly reassured when

I found the website dedicated to

“Cafeform” sachets. On the Cafeform website, they explained in detail how its ingredient, a highly concentrat­ed green coffee extract, acts on the metabolism to neutralize both fats and sugars and then to eliminate them. I also discovered why this rare coffee extract is: 1) Unroasted, to keep its fat-burning power. 2) Decaffeina­ted simply so that it can be used by everyone. Can you imagine that just one sachet has the slimming virtues of 100 cups of coffee. And well understood without the inconvenie­nt of caffeine. Of course, as its name indicates, this extract is 100 percent natural and therefore can be used by everyone who suffers from excess weight without contraindi­cation.

After all that good news, I wanted to place an order, and I had to call Céline’s friend in Canada, because these sachets were not available in the UK. Isabella, was really nice. I told her that I had used her sachets by accident, that I had taken them with me and that of course I was willing to pay for them. Very nicely, she refused and offered to order for me and to send me my Cafeform treatment. I would pay her back at Christmas when she would visit the lakes again. We also talked a lot about her weight loss and how her life was transforme­d since she got her new figure. She placed an order the same day and she sent me my package by express mail, which I received only 4 days after our telephone conversati­on. With the sachets that I had brought back from my weekend, I was able to continue taking a sachets of Cafeform each morning without stopping a single day. You will quickly understand why I did not want to lose a single day of treatment.

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