The Sunday Post (Inverness)

What the stars have in store for you

Find out what changes and challenges are heading your way as our top astrologer reveals your week in the stars

- With Jane Ridder-patrick


Ariens are great initiators but are usually less keen on following through with the details needed to bring matters to a conclusion. But sticking at whatever you’re aiming at is exactly what’s required. Fortunatel­y, Mars is well placed to have you mustering the troops to help you out.


With the large cluster of planets now travelling through your most intense area you could find yourself digging deep to work out what makes you and other people tick. You’ll find what’s vital now is to keep any promises and agreements you’ve made with others close to you.


This could be an intense but very worthwhile period, especially if you’re prepared to make some changes. By the end of the next six months you could be more confident and clearer about who you are and what you stand for. But first you may need to drop some old habits.


Home life has been the area of great changes for many Librans over the past 10 years but there are glimpses of that proverbial light at the end of the tunnel as you’re getting clearer about what needs to be done and what needs to be dropped. Some pampering is called for.


You should have plenty of energy to promote yourself and those things that matter to you. It’s an excellent time to define your values and financial strategies. Venus works her happy magic in your home and family area, boosting your sensitivit­y to what needs to be appreciate­d there.


You’re itching to make changes and with teamwork this could be a constructi­ve time, provided you’ll do what you can and accept you can’t do everything. Mercury in Aquarius from Thursday lets you express any pent-up frustratio­n.


As Venus moves into gentle Pisces you may be feeling less confrontat­ional than you have been recently. You could come up with some unconventi­onal ideas midweek that get the thumbs up from friends, but try not to lock horns with someone with very fixed notions.


Your closest relationsh­ips are likely to bring you the most intense and yet also the happiest experience­s, provided you’ll take responsibi­lity for your part in past problems and don’t try to dodge any issues that come up. It’s a great time for tackling any tasks that have been accumulati­ng.


If you’ve been ignoring your creativity and what you really enjoy, this period could be a revelation for you as these old stirrings re-emerge. It’s time to stop always giving preferenti­al treatment to work, work and more work and find what truly makes your heart sing.


With so much intensity in your communicat­ions area, you could find yourself firing off a few unvarnishe­d truths. But Venus enters your leisure zone tomorrow so don’t forget to take time out for relaxation. Mercury changing sign turns your thoughts to discussion­s needed there.


Early Capricorns could be enjoying a lift in mood with lots going their way, while those born from January 7 onwards are getting the full intensity of a celestial makeover at the moment. Though it may seem like too much is landing on your plate to cope with, hang on in there.


Venus entering Pisces tomorrow brings a soft gentle glow to your relationsh­ips. Friends are the focus of a great deal of attention this week, as well as some pressure and responsibi­lity. This should help clarify which friends really do share your values and have your best interests at heart.

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