The Sunday Post (Inverness)

Relax Horoscopes

- With Jane Ridder-patrick

Your future in the stars:

Find out what changes and challenges are heading your way as our top astrologer reveals your week in the stars


Take the time to think things through properly rather than just pushing on regardless with what you think you want, as there could be important adjustment­s to be made that start to show up over the next few weeks. From Saturday your attention turns more to matters at home.


You prefer changes to take place slowly, but you could be realising that you’re not in charge of the processes going on around you. If you’ll tune in to your intuition you’ll find that is exactly how it should be. Keep your heart and mind open to help others at the weekend.


With your ruler, Mercury, retrograde from Thursday for three weeks, looking before you leap into financial ventures is wise, as is being clear about what your real values are. Don’t let over-confidence trip you up later in the week. Combining hard facts and imaginatio­n can benefit you greatly now.


Sometimes a few steps back are necessary before taking a big leap forward and that’s what any delays and frustratio­ns are about for the next couple of weeks. By going with the flow while keeping your cool you’ll handle any disruption­s well – and maybe even enjoy them.


Your biggest allies over the next few weeks are your hunches and dreams so don’t miss out on whatever guidance they have to offer. Take time out over the next few weeks for quiet reflection on your life and those you share it with. It will ground you more than you imagine.


Misunderst­andings with friends from midweek can be avoided by being clear about what you really mean. Seemingly coincident­al connection­s you make now could help make an important choice about your career or goals and partners could be helpful at the weekend.


A thorough review of your goals, ambitions and values is called for over the next few weeks. Any frustratio­ns in your career or community role will hint at what needs changed. These are blessings in disguise, not troubles. A new phase is opening up, so stay open.


You have strong ideas about justice but this week may find you revising some of your views as you get more understand­ing about an issue that’s been bothering you. Trying to convince others of your plans on Friday could work well if you’ll cooperate rather than confront.


In your enthusiasm for pushing your plans through at home you could forget that other people may have different agendas. Humour and generosity of spirit is the way to sort out any tricky situations at the weekend. An issue about money or emotional support with someone close may need some untangling.


The focus is on agreements you have with others. Fairness matters to you, but don’t forget that that means towards yourself as well. It’s important to decide what you want and then find a way of negotiatin­g about responsibi­lities that leaves everybody happy.


You’d much rather get out and enjoy some relaxation but your responsibi­lities kept pulling you back. If you cut corners this week, especially with routine tasks, it could come back to haunt you. The trick is to do the work properly first. You’ll then be free to enjoy some downtime.


Enjoying your creativity should be easy over the next month, provided you’re willing to follow it wherever it leads and don’t try to force your inspiratio­n into rigid plans. The weekend is ideal for cooperatin­g with friends to help others and find better solutions for old problems.

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