The Sunday Post (Inverness)

The Doc Replies

Our expert answers your medical questions

- The Doc Replies The Sunday Post, Speirs View, 50 High Craighall Road, Glasgow G4 9UD or email us at

I am prone to daydreamin­g and find it hard to concentrat­e at work or even in social situations. I have heard this could be a result of a condition like ADHD – should I be worried?

To be diagnosed with ADHD you would have to be assessed by an expert. If someone looks at a questionna­ire or symptom list, and sees that it causes an inability to concentrat­e or focus at work, they might think they have it. But the criteria for having ADHD are strict, and there might be other reasons why you feel the way you do.

Other mental health disorders have to be ruled out. For example, if someone is stressed and anxious they may have trouble sitting still or concentrat­ing. You can still seek and get help for those things, be it counsellin­g or meditation­s or even anti-anxiety or anti-depression medication. If someone is assessed and it is found they do have ADHD, there is possible medication but these are amphetamin­e-type drugs and the patient has to be closely monitored while on them – it is not something to undertake lightly.

I enjoy a glass of red wine every night because I read it was good for me. Now I hear that it is bad for me – what is the truth?

The risks probably outweigh the benefits. Red wine does contain some antioxidan­ts but so do other foods without the negative drawbacks of alcohol. The recommende­d weekly alcohol limit is 14 units, which is around six medium glasses of wine. So if you do drink a glass of wine every night you are exceeding the limit.

I want to become a vegetarian but I am afraid I will no longer get all the nutrients I need. What do I need to think about before transition­ing to a vegetarian diet?

Plant-based diets can reduce risks of high blood pressure, heart disease, diabetes and some cancers. However, it’s worth doing a bit of research. Most people in Scotland should take vitamin D supplement­s in the winter, unless they eat a lot of oily fish. Iron can also be an issue for vegetarian­s, as the body can absorb iron from animal food better than from plant food. Vegans will need to supplement vitamin B12.

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