The Sunday Post (Newcastle)

Mum can choose who’s at the birth


When I was born back in 1959 midwives would have recoiled in horror if my dad had wanted to be with my mum as she gave birth.

Men knew their place and that was pacing the corridor smoking endless cigarettes. How times have changed. These days 95 per cent of women want their partners to be there to hold their hands, witness their pain and be subjected to a few choice swear words!

It’s been a complete change of attitude and now men who don’t want to be with their other half in the labour suite are looked upon as rather odd and unfeeling.

Women are also considered strange if they’d rather have their mum, sister or a pal with them than the father of their baby.

Just look at the negative reaction Jessica Knowles received this week when her husband, TV presenter Nick, announced that she doesn’t want him to be there when their first child comes into the world.

You would have thought the poor woman had committed a heinous crime.

I happen to think she is wrong for not wanting him to share in the experience, but I believe she is entitled to make up her own mind and to do what is right for her.

Some men do find it very tough to see their partners in pain and distress and they can feel helpless and in the way.

Also childbirth isn’t a Disney movie. It is messy, sweaty and tough.

Ultimately you forget all about the agony as soon as the baby is put into your arms, and for most couples it is a wonderful once- inlifetime experience.

I don’t think, however, people should be judged for doing what they feel is right.

Jessica has been subjected to disgracefu­l comments online, some of which are unprintabl­e, and many accuse her of being an unfit mother which is ridiculous.

I happen to think having your partner there is a big comfort. He can help to let medical staff know your wishes and support you.

I would have found it much tougher without my husband and he always says I have never looked more radiant than I did right after giving birth to my daughter.

I know that in reality I looked as though I had been dragged through every hedge in Perthshire, but I did have a glow of happiness that must have shone through.

No one should feel under pressure either way, and those who disagree with Jessica can do so without subjecting her to such a horrible barrage of negative and downright insulting comments.

They should respect her decision, and I wish her and Nick all the best.

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