The Sunday Post (Newcastle)

Cleo the cat’s feline purrfect at 101( in cat years)

Is this UK’s oldest moggie?

- By Janet Boyle

SHE’S given up chasing mice and now needs a chair to jump up to her favourite spot on the window ledge.

But at the grand old age of 21, Cleo is still going strong and is a prime contender for the nation’s oldest cat.

In human terms she’s an amazingly purrfect 101-yearsold.

“I’ve had her since she was just a few weeks old,” said proud owner, Rachael Blackstock, 23.

“In fact, I can’t ever remember a time when Cleo wasn’t around.”

Sales assistant Rachael was a toddler when Cleo and her sister, Kizzie, arrived at the family home in Hamilton.

They were born to a cat owned by a family friend and needed a loving home.

But Kizzie was knocked down by a car 11 years ago leaving Cleo queen of the house.

Sleek dark beauty Cleo was named after ancient Egyptian queen, Cleopatra.

And her family say she loves to be treated like royalty and given nothing but the best.

She even greets them at the front door every time they arrive home and lures them into the kitchen for food.

“She’s one pampered puss and her daily diet includes treats and fresh chicken,” Rachael added.

“I think all this spoiling is the secret of her long life.

“She’s also good at seeking out the best places in the house and loves to bask in front of the fire or hide out in my bed.”

But in her wilder days she used to get stuck up trees for hours and Rachael frequently had to climb up to rescue her.

Sadly, like many ageing ladies, Cleo is becoming a bit forgetful and is now showing signs of dementia.

She is walking into doors and sometimes forgets where the front door is.

“It happens to the best of us but we are happy to care for her in her latter years,” Rachael adds.

The Blackstock­s are even planning to hold a 21st birthday party for classy Cleo in two weeks’ time.

Rachael and her parents, brother and sister will toast her amazing long life in style with champagne and a cake.

“I might even make a catshaped cake which she’s bound to have a nibble of,” Rachael added.

When Cleo was born in 1993 milk was just 34p a pint, John Major was Prime Minister and Sinead O’Connor was number one in the charts.

But she has some way to go to catch up on Mr Fluff, a moggie from Elgin who lived to 28.

And there’s Pinky from Kansas who at 34 — a staggering 152 in human years — is currently the world’s oldest cat, according to the Guinness Book of Records.

Have you got a cat older than Cleo? Contact us on 0141 567 2776 or

 ??  ?? n Rachael gives old Cleo a gentle lift as she approaches 21.
n Rachael gives old Cleo a gentle lift as she approaches 21.

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