The Sunday Post (Newcastle)

The Broons family quiz

Can you rise to Horace’s challenge?


1. What month sounds like something soldiers do?

2. The outcrop ‘Rockall’ off the north-west coast of Scotland is made of what kind of stone — limestone, basalt or granite?

3. How many rows of seats does a standard people carrier car usually contain?

4. Robin Oig was hanged for abducting his wife in 1754. Who was his famous folk hero father?

5. How is the party game or fairground attraction the ‘bran tub’ now more commonly known?

6. Where on your body would you wear ‘beetle crushers’?

7. Who would you most likely find in a potting shed — a builder, a cleaner or a gardener?

8. Which NASA space shuttle

was named after a fictional TV spaceship?

9. Who is the patron saint of the Isle of Bute — Brendan, Columba or Kertigan?

10. What name is given to a baby peacock?

11. If you had ‘frigophobi­a’, what would you be frightened of getting?

the 12. Exchequer Which former was Chancellor born in Shetland of and raised in Grimsby?

aria? 13. How many people sing an

14. In 1635, the Isle of May saw Scotland’s first what constructe­d?

15. What kind of food is Monterey Jack?

16. What is the last prime number before 100?

17. Which Duke lives at Floors Castle — Hamilton, Atholl or Roxburghe?

18. The ‘Cooper’ and the ‘Clubman’ were makes of what car?

19. What is the minimum age at which you can make a will in Scotland — 12, 16 or 21?

20. What sign of the zodiac has the shortest name?

 ??  ?? Q12

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