The Sunday Post (Newcastle)

Soap watch



HAD Peter bid adieu to Tina for good before he left for Paris he could have explained it away to Carla in future years as a brief flirtation. But no sooner is he back in Weatherfie­ld than he’s inviting her to the bookies’ flat to continue their fling. It doesn’t all go to plan, however, as a passing Steve and Lloyd notice a light on in the flat and, believing it to be an intruder, go to investigat­e. Zut alors!


THE default destinatio­ns for people leaving Albert Square are Southend or Spain. Having had an affair with her boyfriend’s dad, attempted to murder her love rival and killed a man who tried to attack her, Stacey Slater needed to go a little further afield. But now she’s back from Mexico, looking like Little Red Riding Hood. She’s not the only former resident who can’t resist the allure of Walford as Ian’s ex-wife Jane makes her second return.


VAL and Pollard receive their HIV results and it’s a diagnosis which brings secrets to the surface and splits a family in two. Meanwhile, both Bob and Kerry try different ways of helping Brenda and while Bob doesn’t agree with Kerry’s methods he does have her best interests at heart when, as an ex-offender, she tries to take the blame on Brenda’s behalf when she shoplifts.


MARK is back in Shieldinch, looking healthy and happy after his stint in rehab. Stella is thrilled to see her brother, but she is disappoint­ed when he says he’s only back to say goodbye before starting a job up north. She urges him to make things up with Stevie before his departure but it only creates more resentment. Meanwhile, hearing that Dan plans to leave, Tatiana reveals her true feelings.

 ??  ?? Stacey (right) and Kat.
Stacey (right) and Kat.

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