The Sunday Post (Newcastle)

YES vote ‘no guarantee’ of independen­ce

INDEPENDEN­CE will “not automatica­lly” follow a Yes vote in September’s referendum, according to a Labour peer and expert on the constituti­on.

- By Jamer Millar

A LABOUR peer has claimed a Yes vote in the referendum will not guarantee Scottish independen­ce.

Baroness Jay, chair of the Lords Constituti­on Committee and daughter of former PM Jim Callaghan, said the status quo could continue even in the event of a vote to leave the UK.

Baroness Jay echoed claims of a senior Coalition source last week that the status quo could continue despite a vote to leave the UK.

Campaigner­s for the Yes side say it’s “panic stations” for the No campaign in the face of narrowing polls.

Baroness Jay chairs the House of Lords constituti­on committee taking evidence for an inquiry into the implicatio­ns of aYes vote.

She said: “Just because Scotland voted for independen­ce, it wouldn’t automatica­lly happen.”

She has warned that a series of constituti­onal wrangles could delay Alex Salmond’s longed for independen­ce day in March 2016.

Her interventi­on came on the same day Alex Salmond wrote to David Cameron urging him to distance himself from similar “antidemocr­atic” comments reportedly made by a coalition colleague.

An expert witness, appearing before the House of Lords committee Baroness Jay chairs, claimed Westminste­r could seek to derail the process completely.

Another suggested Alex Salmond only picked the date for independen­ce day so he could be the first First Minister of an independen­t Scotland.

And they warned negotiatio­ns would be stalled by a change of Westminste­r administra­tion following the 2015 general election.

Oxford University constituti­on expert Professor Iain McLean warned that should Scotland vote to separate Westminste­r may ignore the Edinburgh Agreement that commits them to constructi­ve negotiatio­ns and simply say no to everything.

Baroness Jay said: “In the build up to the vote these issues can seem dry as dust but they would make quite a difference.

“What would be the position of the monarchy? What happens to the Supreme Court? What would be the state of MPs after September, after the general election?”

Baroness Jay is the daughter of former Labour PM Jim Callaghan.

Blair Jenkins, of Yes Scotland, said: “This is another sign of the Westminste­r establishm­ent showing their true colours.

“Here we have an unelected Labour peer echoing the threats of her Tory partners in the No camp by trying to bully the voters and say they might not respect the result.”

‘Scots MPs would be in limbo for five years’— full interview with Baroness Jay on P20.

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