The Sunday Post (Newcastle)

The ones nes to watch atch



l 12Years a Slave l American Hustle l Captain Phillips l Gravity l Philomena

Darryl’s Verdict: With its use of 3D and astonishin­g special effects, Gravity was the best film I saw at the cinema this year. However, if I was renting a DVD there’d be plenty of films I’d pick over Gravity, with 12Years A Slave top of the list. Visual spectacle or vivid storyline? I

think Bafta will be slaves to the latter.


Gravity l Mandela: LongWalk to Freedom l Philomena l Rush

l Saving Mr Banks l The Selfish Giant

Darryl’s Verdict: The Bafta judges really need to explain how this list can include Gravity (British technology but made by a Mexican) and not 12Years A Slave (made by a Londoner and starring one too).


l Christian Bale (American Hustle) l Bruce Dern (Nebraska) Leonardo DiCaprio (The Wolf of Wall Street) l Chiwetel Ejiofor (12Years a Slave) l Tom Hanks (Captain Phillips)

Darryl’s Verdict: Another moan is that this list is missing the likely Oscar winner, Matthew McConaughe­y, due to Dallas Buyers Club being released in the UK after the their deadline. That should leave the way free for 12Years A Slave’s

Chiwetel Ejiofor to take home the gold.


Amy Adams (American Hustle) Cate Blanchett (Blue Jasmine)

Sandra Bullock (Gravity) Judi Dench (Philomena)

Emma Thompson (Saving Mr Banks)

Darryl’s Verdict: Any other year Judi Dench would get it for Philomena. But in truth there are four solid candidates — then there’s Blanchett’s virtuoso performanc­e in Blue Jasmine.


Barkhad Adbi (Captain Phillips) Daniel Bruhl (Rush)

Bradley Cooper (American Hustle) Matt Damon (Behind the Candelabra)

Michael Fassbender (12Years a Slave) Darryl’s Verdict: It will be the feelgood story of the night if Barkhad Adbi, an unknown Somali-born American in his first film, wins for Captain Phillips. He should start practising his own version of the Mo-Bot!

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