The Sunday Post (Newcastle)

We love a bargain – let us at them!

- By Ali Kirker

I’M pretty sure I know who won’t be trawling the high street and the internet for Black Friday bargains.

The Queen, that’s who....Or Alan Sugar or J.K. Rowling. In short, it’s not for the rich. So who will the real bargain-hunters be? People who need to bag a great deal, who need to get money off stuff in the run-up to Christmas. And the sneering-types just don’t get it. No one wants to see an unseemly rugby scrum over cut-price tellies.

News reports showing people being trampled underfoot in the rush for a bargain Samsung do not make for feelgood, festive telly viewing.

And a trip to A& E is not the kind of present any of us want from Santa.

People can bore on all they like about Christmas not being about presents.

That we shouldn’t get carried away and it’s not about spending money on gifts. Blah, blah and, once again, blah. The pressure on hard-pressed families at this time of year is immense.

Every advert is showing happy family scenes, kids ripping open presents.

If you’re a parent and you have kids who are really excited about Christmas, how do you explain that Santa might not be able to bring what they want this year?

Especially if all their little friends are banging on, non- stop, about what they’ll get.

It would take a tough mum to opt out altogether.

If Black Friday helps to make Christmas a wee bit easier for people, then where’s the harm in that? It’s only the bad stories we hear about. For every TV report we see of grannies getting trampled by bargain- hungry brawlers, I bet there are dozens of people quietly going about their Christmas shopping and getting a tenner off here, £20 there.

Of course, we know Black Friday is all about getting us to part with cash. So what. We’re not daft. But as long as we all keep our heads, and don’t get carried away – remember to throw in a wee bit of goodwill to all men and women – then I say, shop till you drop.

Or, at least until everything on your festive list is ticked off.

It’s great that shops are trying to tempt us in with deals here and there.

A bit of competitio­n on the high street means that it’s shoppers who win.

So, dismiss it all you like, people who don’t need a bargain and enjoy spending more than they need to. But for the rest of us who love a bargain – let us at them. Amazon has been running special deals for days.

And whose life wouldn’t be vastly improved by an ultra-slim aluminium wallet for their credit cards? Yours for just £5.50, deal-hunters.

Wait, what was that I said about getting carried away?

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