The Sunday Post (Newcastle)

Life is still empty 20 years after losing daughter Dear June


NEARLY 20 years have passed since we lost our beautiful daughter.

She was just nine, but hadn’t been expected to live much longer than two. Her birth was premature and she suffered severe brain damage.

She was never able to talk but we seemed to be able to communicat­e between us as I was her main carer.

She was always smiling as we lived in a world that was centered on her. I miss her so much and my life still feels so empty. Is it my imaginatio­n that I can smell her and feel her around me?

Anne, Kirkcaldy.

June Says

The loss of such a young child is not only life-changing but heartbreak­ing.

When your life centres on someone you love for such a long period of time, it can be very difficult to adjust to a new normality after they’ve gone.

You would feel very lost for quite some time.

As your role was that of an attentive, loving parent, you would be worried no one would be able to fill your shoes and give the level of care and love to your daughter to fulfil her needs on the other side.

There is no need for worry as she is no longer housed within a physical body and is free of all of the physical restrictio­ns that prevented her from leading a normal life.

Her beautiful soul knew how much you all loved her and she could not have wanted for more love and support.

You protected her and made her feel safe and secure.

As I link with spirit, the first picture I see is a pink butterfly. What does this mean to you?

You mentioned earlier in your letter that you could smell her.

Right now I am getting the strong smell of lavender.

I see three people moving towards me.

There is a young girl standing in the centre and she is holding

a red, green, blue and yellow object that I feel is either a toy or a piece of clothing.

She is smiling and is dressed in pink, from head to toe.

Was pink her favourite colour? Was she laid to rest in pink and were there sequins?

It isn’t your imaginatio­n – your beautiful daughter does draw near.

She is a loving, caring, compassion­ate soul who will support you unconditio­nally throughout your life and beyond.


After she passed we always thought of her when we saw a butterfly, as we would find they often just appeared from nowhere, so I now have a tattoo of a butterfly in her memory.

I regularly use lavender oil, especially at night, as I find it’s very calming and aids sleep.

I’d hope the two people with her are my mum and dad.

She had a multicolou­red soft toy parrot that she loved which fits your descriptio­n.

Everything she had was pink as I thought it was a girl’s colour.

When we said our final goodbye she was wearing a pink tracksuit with her name on the front in sequins.

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