The Sunday Post (Newcastle)

Your week in the stars

- WITH JANE RIDDER-PATRICK Visit Jane’s website at janeridder­


Friendship­s are your theme this week and fresh projects started with friends could lead to significan­t results over the coming year. With Mars moving into your sign at the weekend you should be feeling ready to take on the world but don’t scatter your energies by trying to fight every battle.

A good week for…groups


If you’ve been at loggerhead­s on an issue with someone, this is the week to bring the agendas out into the open. It may not be easy but it should be healing. Then work at mending any broken bridges from Saturday onwards. Diplomacy and respect pay off here.

A good week for…agreements


If you’ve been meaning to learn a new skill, especially anything related to communicat­ion, don’t delay. With careful planning you can keep expenses at home to a minimum and still make improvemen­ts. Creative projects could take off from the weekend.

A good week for…discussion­s


Decisions made this week could prove profitable provided you decide what you want for the long term, think hink ahead and avoid any obvious loopholes. It’s an excellent time for facing up to major problems and working out solutions about what needs to be done – and then doing it.

A good week for…goals


Small steps, attention to detail and persistenc­e will help you achieve victories in health matters over the next few months, especially if you’lll letl t go of old habits that no longer serve you. For best results make a plan, write it down and take the first steps before the week is out.

A good week for…analysis


Saturday’s New Moon marks your annual call to sort through your possession­s, get rid of or recycle what’s past itss best, and make an audit of your finances. Energetic Mars moves into your home and family sector on Saturday boosting your urge to make changes and get things done, fast.

A good week for…valuables


With Saturday’s New Moon in your travel and education area it’s an ideal week for planning a holiday or taking up a topic that interests you. Watch out for ideas about this in the media. You can sell yourself well now so try to talk to those who can help you by the weekend.

A good week for…adventure


You could find yourself starry-eyed over children or romantic films or stories this week, and if you feel a little wistful about what might have been, find ways of bringing what you long for into your life. Remember that the secret of feeling loved is to make somebody else feel loved too.

A good week for...pampering


Saturday’s New Moon in your sign means it’s time to review the past year, drop what’s not working and start making plans for what you think will. If friends seem to be throwing cold water on something you find worthwhile, it’s best to listen and learn, then make up your own mind.

A good week for…initiative


What’s on the surface isn’t enough for you now. You could enjoy probing into the deeper mysteries of life now and find some interestin­g answers. Mars in your career and community area from Saturday offers you plenty of energy to push on with your plans.

A good week for…renewal


A combinatio­n of hard-nosed thinking and creative imaginatio­n as the week begins should help you find a solutionn to an old problem. Home projects started at the weekend are well starred but have a good look round first and identify what you love and what you don’t – then ditch the latter.

A good week for…family


Make sure you don’t push yourself too hard this week and try to get plenty of rest to keep your batteries charged.ged Listen to what your body is telling you and you’ll stay on track. You’ll achieve much more if you pace yourself and just concentrat­e on one thing at a time.

A good week for...retreat

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