The Sunday Post (Newcastle)

Heartbroke­n about brother dying alone

- JuneField The world’s greatest psychic

Dear June

My brother had been ill for years and was receiving treatment for cancer. He had an op to remove part of his lung. His recovery looked positive and he was picking up.

He was in severe pain but we thought it was part of the healing process and he was told to top up his medication.

He died at home a few days later from organ failure caused by sepsis.

I am heartbroke­n that he was alone. Can you tell me if anyone came for him?

Louise, via email.

June Says

I am sorry to hear of the loss of your brother but would like to reassure you no one ever passes over alone.

Whether through illness or a sudden passing, accident, suicide and even murder, there is always someone from spirit who is connected to them to meet and guide them safely over.

As I become more aware of spirit drawing close, I sense the presence of a petite lady and two younger males.

Although she is small in stature she has an abundance of energy and is strong in character.

I am left in no doubt she would have been in charge of the family.

I also sense the strong smell of alcohol and I’m pulled towards the two younger males.

Your brother is one of the two that stands close to her and I feel he had a great personalit­y and a wicked sense of humour.

He gives me the sensation his passing was fast and that he was aware of the older lady who was waiting for him.

He also wants to apologise to you as I get the impression something happened between you that was not concluded prior to his passing and he is accepting full responsibi­lity for it.

Did you have words

before he passed?

She is a mother figure to you both and I sense she is extremely protective of you and the two males.

Do you have another brother in spirit? The other male is also close to your mum but I feel he has been on spirit side for quite a long time before your mum.

They are all together now under the unconditio­nal love of a protective mother who will continue to look after her children, whether they are in spirit or on the physical side of life.


Our mum was a small but feisty lady who died suddenly nine years ago.

She was always protective of us and made the rules of the house, which we all had to abide.

Yes, I have another brother who lost his life through drinking a few years before my mum.

Losing him broke her heart as he was the youngest of the three of us.

I did have words with my brother because he refused to call the doctor and when I left I slammed the door and felt so bad after he died.

I feel better knowing Mum is with them.

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