The Sunday Post (Newcastle)

Dear Maggie


My boyfriend and I never go anywhere and I am completely fed up.

His idea of a night out is a trip to the pub for beer and darts.

There’s only so many times I can listen to him and his mates drone on about sport.

I’m wondering whether I’ve wasted the last four years of my life with him?

Maggie says

You’ve been very tolerant to put up with this for four years.

It sounds mind-numbingly boring to spend so much time drinking in the same pub, playing darts and listening to endless rehashes of sporting moments.

Time for a change and you must initiate it. Suggest a movie you want to see. Or a new restaurant you’d like to try out. Check out what’s on and offer to get tickets to something which you’d both enjoy.

You’ve got to stop being passive and just drifting on like this. You have every right to expect a bit more from the relationsh­ip.

Let him know how you feel. If he doesn’t take your feelings into account – ask yourself if you really are prepared to spend the rest of your life in a relationsh­ip like this?

He can do what he wants to in his own time, but when you’re together, it’s got to work for both of you.

Tough though it sounds, if he can’t change and listen to what you need, it’s better to waste four years than a lifetime.

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