The Sunday Post (Newcastle)

The Doc Replies


What’s the best way to deal with jet lag? I’m travelling to New Zealand soon.

Getting a good night’s sleep before you go, making sure that you are well hydrated and avoiding alcohol on the flight can help. If you arrive in the morning then it is best to stay up until what would be a normal bed time to help get you accustomed to a new routine. Avoiding caffeine-rich drinks is a good idea as these stimulants will affect the ability to sleep and may increase the time it takes to recover. You may be one of the lucky people who are not particular­ly affected.

What is a varicose vein, and should they be painful?

Veins tend to carry blood back towards the heart. A varicose vein is one in which the valves preventing blood backflow down the leg have weakened. The blood tends to pool in these veins and causes them to swell and be uncomforta­ble. They can cause skin changes causing varicose eczema. They can also be quite painful if they get inflamed and this condition is called phlebitis. As a general rule I’d advise you to keep active but avoid standing for long periods of time.

My partner is Muslim but has diabetes – is it safe to fast during festivals like Ramadan?

In Islam there is a requiremen­t for adults to fast during Ramadan, but it is not an absolute must for Muslims with diabetes or other medical conditions where prolonged fasting may cause harm. However, this is down to personal preference. A lot of my Muslim patients with diabetes seek guidance from their Imam, as well as me. Diabetic clinics, if your partner attends one, and also the hospital, are also very used to discussing this.

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