The Sunday Post (Newcastle)

Dolph’s game show for a laugh


IF you were running through candidates for a TV quiz show, it’s a fair bet Dolph Lundgren wouldn’t be near the top of many lists. But the Hollywood action man is fronting one – with a difference, admittedly – which launches on ITV4 this week. Take The Tower is a six-part series in which the Rocky star, soon to be seen in films Creed 2 and Aquaman, challenges members of the public to physical challenges and quiz questions. The games are based on classic action movies and Dolph admits it was a tempting prospect. “It was a unique concept that suited me pretty well,” he says. “When I spoke to the director he wanted to make it light and comedic, which I though was good as I don’t get a lot of chance to do that.” Cash prizes and luxury holidays are on offer, so the stakes were high and Dolph says he was up for the challenge. “It was tough for me as I’d just arrived from LA and was jet-lagged. “I felt the pressure. I had to live up to my image! “I think the results were pretty good – I won some, I lost some – and some were very close. “If I’d won all of them no one would have won any prizes which would have been sad.” But action set-pieces apart, there was much to learn for the action hero. “Being the host of a show is demanding, especially delivering tongue in cheek monologues,” he adds. “I liked some of the opening monologues – they were funny and well-written. “But it’s not something I do every day.” Dolph will be reunited with some of the contestant­s in November as he gave them personal invites to the Creed 2 premiere in London. Take The Tower, ITV4, Tuesday, 9pm.

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