The Sunday Post (Newcastle)

The Doc Replies


Does getting sun burn in a certain patch of skin raise the risk of skin cancer in that area? I’m going on holiday to Australia soon and am a bit worried.

Sunburn does increase the risk of skin cancer in that area. The best way to prevent skin cancer is to follow good sun protection. You should avoid sun where possible and also try cover up in sunny weather. Try to wear a hat in the sunshine and sun glasses to protect your eyes. Finally, it is important to use a high factor sun cream and apply according to the instructio­ns on the bottle. It should be reapplied frequently throughout the day.

My catarrh has been getting quite bad recently. Do you have any tips to reduce it?

There are many reasons why you can have more catarrh than normal. It is worth having a chat with your pharmacist regarding treatment.

How do you test for glaucoma? I have a family member who experience­d it and wondered if I was at risk.

Glaucoma is tested for by looking at the pressure in the eye. This can be done by the optician during a routine eye test. They test for pressure by measuring a puff of air into the eye. There is an increased risk if you have a family member who has experience­d it.

How safe are botox injections? I’m interested in getting them in my face but I’m a bit worried.

Botox injections, as with any interventi­onal procedure, carry risks. These include infection and bleeding. You may also not achieve the result you hoped for. Any practition­er should discuss the risks and benefits in detail with you before proceeding.

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