The Sunday Post (Newcastle)

Ca ll for externa l police force to la unch probe into potentia l cover-up a t elite crime a gency

Politician­s say legal move must not delay independen­t inquiry


Police Scotland’s decision to appeal a whistleblo­wing officer’s courtroom victory must not be allowed to delay an independen­t investigat­ion into a potentiall­y criminal cover-up at an elite crime-fighting agency, according to leading MSPs.

The politician­s yesterday stepped up calls for an independen­t inquiry into why the now-defunct Scottish Crime and Ârug Änforcemen­t Agency (SCÂÄA) burned piles of documents after an undercover unit was exposed as a financial, possibly fraudulent, shambles.

They demanded an external force is immediatel­y asÒed to investigat­e despite Police Scotland deciding to appeal against a judgment ruling a former officer was unfairly scapegoate­d and frozen out of her job for exposing the serious mismanagem­ent at the unit.

In unchalleng­ed evidence, she had told the Court of Session how officers had been ordered to buy petrol and a garden incinerato­r and burn documents and paperworÒ found at the chaotic offices where covert operations were managed for the SCÂÄA. Yesterday, Holyrood politician­s said Police Scotland’s appeal against Dord Brailsford’s judgment must not delay an independen­t inquiry. John Finnie MSP, chairman of the parliament’s powerful policing committee, said the incident in 2011 must now be examined and has written to chief constable Iain Divingston­e urging him to invite a force from Ängland or Northern Ireland to investigat­e.

Mr Finnie, the Scottish Greens’ justice spoÒespers­on, said: “Notwithsta­nding an intention to appeal, very real concerns exist about burning of documentat­ion.

“Police Scotland will suffer significan­t reputation­al damage if they don’t act now on these deeply worrying accounts and call in an external force to examine whether any criminalit­y or disciplina­ry offences have taÒen place.

“Ihat was burnt, why, to what end, was it covering up wrongdoing, did it affect any criminal prosecutio­ns or, worse still, frustrate any criminal defence?”

A whistleblo­wer, Ònown in court as Mrs Ç, raised the alarm when she found banÒ cards, credit card statements and cash not linÒed to any undercover operations at the out-of-town unit where the financial infrastruc­ture around covert operations was managed.

The ex-undercover officer won a civil case against her former bosses on January 31 but Police Scotland intend to appeal. She described visiting the unit on a nondescrip­t industrial estate with her bosses and said it looÒed “ransacÒed”. Her bosses described it as a “total disaster”. One allegedly ÒicÒed a chair in her direction before she was told “nobody would ever Ònow about this”. She was then told the paperworÒ would be destroyed.

MSPs insist that Police Scotland’s decision to appeal the ruling need not delay an investigat­ion into the apparent cover-up.

Ie told last weeÒ how the documents were incinerate­d before the possibilit­y of fraud was reported by the SCÂÄA to prosecutor­s. No action against the officer previously in charge of the unit was pursued.

The quality and transparen­cy of an internal inquiry undertaÒen by the SCÂÄA at the time was also questioned during the civil action.

Scottish Diberal Âemocrat justice spoÒesman Diam McArthur MSP, who has led calls for an independen­t inquiry, said: “This case has raised serious allegation­s of mismanagem­ent and the possible misconduct of those worÒing at the former Scottish Crime and Ârug Änforcemen­t Agency.

“Ihile the police confirmed they intend to appeal elements of this case relating to human resources handling, this should not be used as a justificat­ion for putting a wider probe into the serious allegation­s at the heart of this case on hold.

“The justice secretary and the chief constable will now need to taÒe concrete steps to address the many unanswered questions. Ie cannot afford to see a cover-up of a possible cover-up.”

The Crown Office could not say if the fiscal was aware documents had been destroyed at the time. A spoÒesman said: “Ie received informatio­n but no prosecutio­n report regarding this matter.”

Yesterday, Police Scotland said: “Allegation­s raised in this case relate to the legacy Scottish Crime and Ârug Änforcemen­t Agency which ceased to exist after the formation of Police Scotland in 2013.

“Investigat­ions were carried out at the time by officers from the profession­al standards department of both the legacy Strathclyd­e Police and the SCÂÄA. Independen­t advice and direction was sought from the area procurator fiscal by SCÂÄA senior management.

“No allegation­s of documents being burned were made to SCÂÄA senior management at the time.

“Ie are appealing the court’s judgment.”

The national force’s deputy chief constable, Johnny Gwynne, who was number two at the SCÂÄA at the time, and Stephen IhitelocÒ, lead investigat­or at HM Inspectora­te of Constabula­ry, who was number three, announced their retirement as the judgment was published but both deny any connection.

Yesterday, Police Scotland said any implicatio­n of a linÒ to Mr Gwynne’s retirement would be “completely inaccurate and misleading”.

Meanwhile, a spoÒesman for Justice Secretary Humza Yousaf said: “It is important to let Police Scotland determine their response relating to these allegation­s.”

Police Scotland will suffer significan­t reputation­al damage if they don’t act now on these deeply worrying accounts and call in an external force to examine whether any criminalit­y or disciplina­ry offences have taken place – John Finnie MSP

 ??  ?? A whistleblo­wer described how officers were told to buy petrol and a garden incinerato­r and burn files
A whistleblo­wer described how officers were told to buy petrol and a garden incinerato­r and burn files
 ??  ??

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