The Sunday Post (Newcastle)


Find out what changes and challenges are heading your way as our top astrologer reveals your week in the stars

- With Jane Ridder-Patrick

Your future in the stars:


You may believe the power is in someone else’s hands in an important matter now. That’s not a situation you enjoy and it’s not really true. If you’re prepared to ditch old prejudices about how things should be, and pay attention to your feelings you’ll see matters more clearly.


It’s probably best tomorrow to take a suggestion from a friend with a pinch of salt until you’ve checked out how feasible it is. Paying close attention to your feelings about significan­t others midweek could show you something that’s been bothering you recently and help you sort out the real issue.


With so much going on in your head, subtle but important changes taking place that are affecting how you see and want to present yourself, try to make time for some peace and quiet this week to avoid feeling frazzled. A conversati­on at the weekend could touch you deeply.


Strong feelings midweek could throw light on what’s important when trying to get the balance right between your needs and those of a friend. Talking the situation over on Saturday could let you see the bigger picture and help you drop some notions that have got out of proportion.


You could feel a little touchy as the week begins about a situation at home, especially if you feel your authority or dignity is being threatened. Getting annoyed will only make matters worse. Life is just prompting you to sort out your priorities.


It should be easy now to make some good choices about matters linked with learning, writing or teaching as you’re now in a position to be more certain about what you really want. From Tuesday onwards you could find your attitudes about some of your long-term goals are slowly shifting.


You’re not always keen on analysing more difficult feelings but it’s best not to sweep them under the carpet now. You can learn a lot about yourself and your attitude to money and power if you’ll examine your real motivation­s around midweek. Impulse buying is unlikely to be a good idea this week.


Something that’s been simmering just under the surface in a special relationsh­ip could come to a head before the week is out. If you look back you’ll find where the problem lies and be able to sort it out. The weekend is an ideal time for discussion­s, provided you keep your cool.


There’s a lot going on for you beneath the surface that could be difficult to untangle this week. But if you’ll follow your hunches about the rights and wrongs of something that’s been bothering you, especially as you go about your daily routine, you should come up with a good solution.


There could be some revealing moments in a friendship before the week is out as you’re learning to put limits on how much you just go along with the crowd, and when it’s time to stick up for your need to do your own thing. An old acquaintan­ce could reappear at the weekend.


Finding novel and creative ways of being at home now could have a positive knock-on effect on all your other activities. Don’t worry if an opportunit­y seems to slip away from you. Other and better ones are coming soon. By helping others this week you’ll be helping yourself more than you imagine.


Sorting out what you really feel about some important matters could take up a lot of your time and emotional energy this week. Hurrying matters won’t help, but going slowly and carefully will. Don’t take hard luck stories at face value at the weekend. Check the facts before reacting.

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