The Sunday Telegraph

- ROBERT MENDICK Chief Reporter

TONY BLAIR advised an African president on how to win over public support in the aftermath of clashes in which opposition protesters were shot dead by security forces.

Mr Blair’s guidance is contained in a four-page communicat­ions strategy document drawn up for Alpha Conde, the president of Guinea.

The document seen by The Sunday Telegraph offers a guide to Mr Conde on how to improve his government’s image following mass civil unrest in February and March 2013. Nine protesters died and hundreds were injured in clashes with government forces who were accused of quelling public unrest by firing on demonstrat­ors with live ammunition.

In a document that might be seen as cynical and more probably replicates public relations techniques used in Downing Street than in West Africa, the strategy includes a timetable for talks with the opposition which Mr Blair and his team know are doomed to fail.

The strategy document provides insight into work undertaken by Mr Blair and his charity Africa Governance Initiative (AGI) in advising Guinea’s president. Mr Blair began working in Guinea in 2012, a year before violence gripped

Tony Blair with Guinea’s president, Alpha Conde, in 2011

the country in the run-up to elections. His charity also advises Nigeria, Ethiopia, Rwanda, Sierra Leone and Liberia. It has also agreed a deal to work in Kenya.

The strategy document for Guinea’s “electoral situation” will raise questions about whether AGI has become too political by siding with the president and the ruling party.

In its vision statement, AGI calls itself as “an independen­t, politicall­y neutral organisati­on and we never engage in ‘big P’ or party politics”. It adds: “But we do understand that all reform is political, and having the right technical answer is often not enough.”

Mr Blair has previously caused anger for advising Nursultan Nazarbayev, the autocratic president of Kazakhstan, on how to manage his image after the slaughter of unarmed civilians protesting against his regime in 2011. In a letter to Mr Nazarbayev, Mr Blair told the Kazakh president the deaths of 14 protesters “tragic though they were, should not obscure the enormous progress” his country had made. Mr Blair is paid millions of pounds through one of his companies to advise the Kazakh regime.

Mr Blair’s involvemen­t in Rwanda and his close friendship with Paul Kagame, the country’s president, has also attracted much criticism. Mr Kagame’s regime has killed and tortured opponents.

Mr Blair’s work in Guinea is funded by donations to his charity and grants from taxpayer-funded bodies such as USAid, the aid arm of the US government.

The document was written in March 2013 and was sent to Mr Conde’s son — also called Alpha Conde — by Shruti Mehrotra, who at the time was running AGI’s team in Guinea. Miss Mehrotra is now based in London at AGI’s head office.

In the email Miss Mehrotra confirmed the president had requested help from Mr Blair in defining a “communicat­ions strategy”. The email includes a document which lays out how the president can win the public relations battle at a time when Guinea was facing mass unrest over forthcomin­g parliament­ary elections. The elections were subsequent­ly delayed by several months.

The strategy calls on Mr Conde to create a “new narrative” in which “we must be seen as the side that has always been open to the dem- ocratic process and dialogue”. The document goes on: “Communicat­ing this new narrative … will be critical in ensuring that the president regains his democratic credential­s … for what may be a rocky coming weeks and months.”

It adds: “Opposition marches triggered some of the worst violence seen in recent years in Guinea, leaving nine dead and over a hundred people injured in the latest estimates … We are losing the communicat­ions battle, in part because the government has remained largely silent over these past weeks.

“To the world outside of Guinea’s political classes, the situation looks rather complicate­d with the president being left to hold all responsibi­lity for the impasse.”

The strategy lays out the “choreograp­hy” for a “day-byday plan for communicat­ions” surroundin­g a timetable for talks that could allow the stalled election to go ahead. It includes offering the opposition concession­s to get the election moving which the document acknowledg­es will

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