The Sunday Telegraph

Europe faces an existentia­l crisis and its leaders must race against time to respond

- By Peter Foster

AEUROPE EDITOR mid all the tumult and speculatio­n about what Brexit could mean for both the British economy and political union, there is, of course, an equally urgent discussion going on in Europe about what the decision to leave portends for the EU.

Angela Merkel made no attempt to evade the seriousnes­s of the situation, admitting candidly that the departure of the world’s fifth largest economy and key Nato contributo­r was a “blow” to the European unificatio­n process that could not be ignored.

Putting aside the narrow question of negotiatin­g the British divorce, the much more profound challenge for Europe is how respond meaningful­ly to the democratic démarche that was delivered by Britain last week.

Because, as several recent opinion surveys have shown, the British public are far from alone in their frustratio­n at Europe’s failure to deliver the prosperity and democratic accountabi­lity that they crave. Europe is fed up; it is simmering with rage.

Europe’s leaders know they must do more to heal the divisions thrown up by a global economy that leaves too many once-prosperous low and medium-skilled workers behind.

It is understood that “more Europe” is not the answer; even if there are still some head-in-the-sand federalist­s, the great majority of Europe’s leaders do accept that that ship has now sailed. Instead, the new mantra is “better Europe, not more”.

“The main thing is that we must make Europe more concrete and effective for people,” Jean-Marc Ayrault, the French foreign minister, said this weekend. He added that “for a long time, we’ve been aware of the fact that we must make Europe more attractive”. But these are mere words. Europe may have open skies and cheap mobile phone calls, but outside the prosperous enclaves of the educated classes and the cities, there is an economic and political morass.

But having been complacent for too long, many of Europe’s leaders may now discover that making “concrete and effective” changes will require more time and space that the forces of populism are prepared to grant them.

As Geert Wilders, the leader of the Holland’s populist Party for Freedom told me last month, the “genie is out of the bottle” and a Brexit vote could “liberate Europe” by triggering a wider unravellin­g and return to national politics.

At the time, with both the polls and the betting markets pointing towards Remain, those words will have sounded like mere wishful thinking to many in the political establishm­ents in Brussels, Berlin and London: the same old rabble-rousing bravado. Well, not any more. Britain’s decision to quit the EU is a seismic moment because it points to the inescapabl­e reality that a new national politics is trumping Europe’s supranatio­nal ambitions.

In the next 12 months, Europe will hold a series of votes, all of which have the potential to further amplify the centrifuga­l political forces that have now been unleashed.

In October, Hungary has a referendum to reject refugee quotas that will advertise the chasm in values on religious tolerance and multicultu­ralism that now divides Europe east from west, while in the same month Italy has a referendum that could trigger the resignatio­n of Matteo Renzi, the Italian prime minister. His departure would be another significan­t blow to centrist forces.

In March, the Netherland­s will hold its own parliament­ary elections where the anti-Islam, anti-Europe Mr Wilders is leading in the polls, while in April, the French National Front leader, Marine Le Pen, is likely to reach the second round of the French presidenti­al campaign.

A month after Europe avoided electing a far-Right president in Austria by a margin of less than 1 per cent, these events take on a more threatenin­g hue when viewed through the filter of Brexit.

In the short term, talk of a continent-wide political disintegra­tion is overblown – Britain was already semi-detached from core Europe, being outside the eurozone and the Schengen free movement zone – but, as the Brexit vote demonstrat­es, the paradigm is shifting.

More likely, as the nationalis­t and anti-globalisat­ion movements continue to rise, Europe’s ability to govern itself as a cohesive entity will diminish. Populism is now the constant knocking in the pipes of European governance. That will impact lives and livelihood­s.

Expect a steady rise in government­to-government dealings as EU government­s look to work around the now visibly dysfunctio­nal European political system that – echoing the fundamenta­l economic disagreeme­nts over the eurozone – is in a nearconsta­nt state of muddling through.

In the longer term, Europe’s future looks bleak – demographi­cally, economical­ly, geopolitic­ally – since so many of the challenges thrown up by globalisat­ion require a scaled-up, collective response that national politics is making so very hard.

Optimists will see Brexit as a trigger for a new beginning for Europe. But no one should underestim­ate the difficulty of that, given the incoherenc­e of populist narratives that want less global trade and more borders; less multi-culturalis­m and more EU disintegra­tion.

The unavoidabl­e reality is that as globalisat­ion continues, in terms of trade share, innovation capacity and population, Europe is shrinking relative to the rest of the world.

The truly existentia­l crisis for Europe is how to combat that intoxicati­ng populist narrative, while driving through the kind of reforms that will prevent Europe (as distinct from the EU) from sliding into global irrelevanc­e and geo-political old age.

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