The Sunday Telegraph

The not-so-good life: supermarke­t salad is healthier than homegrown

- Katie Morley Life The Good

By CONSUMER AFFAIRS EDITOR IT WAS the oft-repeated mantra of Tom and Barbara – much to the irritation of their neighbours in sitcom

– that fresh, homegrown vegetables are far healthier than shop-bought ones.

But it now looks as though Margo and Jerry may have the last laugh over the couple who gave up the rat race to go self-sufficient.

A new study has found that “superfood” vegetables grown in back gardens and allotments may actually be less healthy than those that have been sitting on a supermarke­t shelf for a week.

In the first study of its kind, the University of Reading has found that levels of cancer-fighting nutrients in supermarke­t rocket leaves peak between five and seven days after being processed.

The tests found initial levels plummet during the time between picking and washing.

But after a week of being left in the fridge at 4C (40F), levels of the nutrients had risen threefold, suggesting that as the leaves slowly die, some of their nutritiona­l benefits are enhanced.

Rocket leaves contain sulforapha­ne, which has properties that protect against cancer, including prostate and gastrointe­stinal. The compound is also found in green vegetables such as watercress and broccoli, which helps give the foods “superfood” status. High levels of the compound cause rocket’s hot, peppery flavour. It is the plant’s natural defence against being eaten by bugs.

“Violent” methods of harvesting, such as mechanical farming, trigger a sudden drop in levels of the compound.

But the study establishe­d that sulforapha­ne levels show “surprising” recovery, peaking around five days to a week after being processed.

It means freshly picked leaves may contain fewer anti-cancer properties than those that have been sitting in a fridge for days.

However, while levels of sulforapha­ne in rocket rise over days, other nutrients will decline, affecting their overall health benefits.

Dr Luke Bell, from the University of Reading, said: “The discovery is really surprising, going against the assumption that nutrients found in rocket will dissipate following harvest.

“Our study has shown that processing actually has a potentiall­y beneficial effect, and that rocket lovers can have confidence in the health boost a bag of rocket will give them.

“The biggest boost in these cancerfigh­ting compounds came seven days after processing, but begin to tail off after that.

“With regular consumptio­n of rocket and sulforapha­ne, consumers could potentiall­y improve their longterm health and reduce the risk of developing other chronic diseases, such as cardiovasc­ular disease.”

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