The Sunday Telegraph

The smoker’s cough takes on a new stigma

- By Yohannes Lowe

PEOPLE with chronic coughs feel stigmatise­d because they fear others are worried they have or may transmit coronaviru­s, experts have suggested.

Since late March, researcher­s at the University of Swansea have conducted monthly focus groups to gauge how social behaviours have changed since the lockdown began.

Smokers with long-term coughs and hay fever sufferers reported feeling anxious when coughing or sneezing while out shopping, as members of the public “looked concerned”.

This fear of judgment resulted in some people staying at home or suppressin­g coughs in crowds, according to the study, which involves 57 volunteers from across the UK.

Dr Simon Williams, coauthor of the study, told The

Sunday Telegraph: “Sneezing and coughing have taken on new meanings. We focused on stigma and how people in public spaces were quite fearful of others’ reactions. It would lead to verbal exchanges about keeping social distancing on many occasions.”

The ongoing research is yet to be peer-reviewed.

More than one million people have quit smoking since the onset of the pandemic, with 41 per cent saying it was in direct response to coronaviru­s, according to a survey by Action on Smoking and Health (Ash), an antitobacc­o health charity.

It is thought that concerns around smokers being at risk of more severe Covid-19 symptoms and the reduced need to engage in the activity socially were among the factors behind the trend.

A public health drive is being launched to encourage more people to give up the habit.

Meanwhile, experts are urging non-smoking members of the public to be considerat­e when hearing someone cough, as it may be a sign of a condition unrelated to the virus.

Hazel Cheeseman, director of policy at Ash, said: “What is called a ‘smoker’s cough’ is generally a sign of COPD or other illnesses such as lung cancer.”

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