The Week

The Archers: what happened last week


Helen compliment­s Johnny on his beard. Johnny admits that Lily’s asked him to model in the college fashion show, and her friend, Amber, suggested he grew a beard to enhance his rugged good looks. Justin pushes Brian to make an offer on the land, saying he’ll put it on the open market otherwise. Pip’s busy planning her Christmas with Toby. Toby’s uncomforta­ble with Pip paying for everything, but she insists. She also wants to invest £5,000 in his gin business. Susan still can’t decide on a dress for the photo. In the end, she takes Neil’s advice and wears the red velvet one she wore at her 50th. Jennifer’s relieved to learn that Justin won’t be putting the land on the market until January. Debbie rings to say she’ll be home for Christmas. Helen and Pat watch Henry in the Nativity. Pat’s furious to hear that Rob is lurking outside. Helen’s more sanguine, saying it must be hard for Rob at this time of year. Helen visits Jess to give her a present and a card in which she says that if it wasn’t for Jess, she’d be facing Christmas in prison. At the fashion show, Johnny points out Amber to Pat. As the show starts, Pat rushes out after Johnny, who’s seen Amber with another boy. Elizabeth’s surprised to see Freddie on the catwalk. Rob visits Helen unexpected­ly. He’s brought presents for the boys and says he’s desperate to be part of their Christmas in a small way. Rob says that he’s been speaking to Alan, who has made him see he needs to apologise. Helen wobbles, but when Rob begs her to forgive him she tells him it’s over. Helen shuts the door on Rob as Johnny walks in. He asks if she’s OK and she tells him she’s fine.

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