The Week

Too much foot-in-mouth


To The Daily Telegraph

There is kudos in admitting a mistake and backing down, as Philip Hammond has done. It means the Government has listened to the people and responded accordingl­y. It’s what we want politician­s to do. Well done.

What I do question is the extent to which such decisions are discussed internally before being presented to the public. Was no dry run done to a panel for an opinion? Was no risk analyst consulted: “What is the risk to our reputation if we present this?” The public outrage should have been anticipate­d and a great deal of time and money saved. It was also reputation­ally very costly.

There seems to be a great deal of foot-in-mouth activity at present, and I would expect consultati­on before launching “great ideas” onto the public. Liz Laing, Cheltenham, Gloucester­shire

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