The Week

IT MUST BE TRUE… I read it in the tabloids


A memory champion has proved her mettle by memorising the 328-page Ikea catalogue. Yanjaa Wintersoul, 23, spent a week poring over the catalogue; she can now recall all 4,818 products in it, along with their descriptio­ns, and the page they appeared on – as well as the sets they were featured in. Asked in a test to recall pages 92-3, she replied: “It’s a kitchen... there’s a chequered floor and a giant trash can... there’s a citrus plant near the window.”

A Japanese company is marketing a $1,000 robot dog that will tell owners whether their feet smell. If the feet smell fresh, Hana-chan will wag its tail; if there’s a pong, it will bark; and if they stink, it will fall over in a dead faint. A woman had to be rescued after climbing out of a date’s window – to retrieve a poo. The woman, an amateur gymnast, had gone to the toilet at Liam Smith’s house after a date – and found that it wouldn’t flush. Panicking, she decided to throw the faeces out of the window. But it didn’t land in a garden. It became wedged in a tiny space between two non-opening windows. So she decided to climb in, head first, to get it out – and got stuck too. Eventually, Smith – a student at Bristol University – called the fire brigade. He posted the photo (above) to raise money to cover the cost of fixing the window. As for their future as a couple: “It’s too early to say if she’s the one,” he said. “But we got on very, very well – and we’ve already got the most difficult stuff out of the way.”

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