The Week

Lille, France Rebrand chaos:


Marine Le Pen’s attempt to rebrand the far-right National Front by changing its name ran into difficulti­es when a small centre-right party said that it already owned her chosen name – Rassemblem­ent National (National Rally). Her plan to revive the National Front’s fortunes was also derided by her father. Claiming that changing the name of the party he founded amounted to a “political assassinat­ion”, Jean-marie Le Pen pointed out that National Rally was the name of both a far-right party in France in the 1950s and an alliance that he led in the 1980s. Le Pen senior was formally removed as the party’s life president at its annual conference in Lille last weekend. There was also a surprise appearance from Donald Trump’s former adviser Steve Bannon. Citing populist movements around the world, he told the crowd that history was on their side. “Let them call you racists, xenophobes... wear these like a badge of honour,” he said.

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