The Week



An Ettinger passport case and two Connell Guides will be given to the sender of the first correct solution to the crossword and the clue of the week opened on Monday 2 April. Send it to: The Week Crossword 1099, 2nd floor, 32 Queensway, London W2 3RX, or email the answers to Tim Moorey (


6 Snog with intent had to trigger this? (3-5,5) 8 Some ring a bell for early murder victim (4) 9 What’s roue drunk with English author Keith ____? (10) 10 What could tilt toes if badly fitted? (8) 12 Cloth laptop cover? (6) 14 Colour of pale crustacean? (4) 16 Very deep voice about right for some instrument­s (5) 17 Cut fruit that’s talked about (4) 18 Mike rejected, protester is one taking a bow (6) 19 Journalist about to get a drink (8) 22 Surrey town in which vehicles stop working (10) 25 It’s a passing mention in 6 down right away (4) 26 French writer possibly alone after grabbing party in Pretoria (7,6)


1 Top of the bill, all hugely diverting produces this? (5,5) 2 Fool can upset humorist (6) 3 Note child overlookin­g computer stuff (4) 4 Minimal coverage of items essential to fiddlers (1-7) 5 PM getting round the county (4) 6 Go round ring road but not with a learner (5) 7 Rough sleeper clutching one set of papers (7) 11 Live with mad Marion, losing her head (2,3) 13 Telegraph on about what some youngsters do in the morning? (5,5) 15 Short chap beheaded with a ceremonial sword (7) 16 Pointed remarks brought about trouble for the island (8) 20 Go below vessel for food store (6) 21 One not at home, in former French island (5) 23 Among Irish, a writer (4) 24 Newspaper’s a steal, one to replace FT? (3,1)

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