The Week

IT MUST BE TRUE… I read it in the tabloids


A Russian scientist stationed in Antarctica plunged a kitchen knife into a colleague because – it’s alleged – he was fed up with the man telling him the endings of books he was reading. Sergey Savitsky, 55, had spent six months at the isolated Bellingsha­usen Station on King George Island with Oleg Beloguzov, 52, before the reportedly alcoholfue­lled altercatio­n. Beloguzov was evacuated to Chile with a chest injury, but is not believed to be in danger. Savitsky, who has been charged with attempted murder, has expressed remorse over the attack. Pope Francis has reportedly given his blessing to a Catholic version of Pokémon Go, the mobile gaming sensation. Follow JC Go uses similar GPS and augmented reality technology, but rather than tracking Pokémon, it allows players to capture saints and biblical characters, who then join their “evangelisa­tion team”. One reviewer, JR SV, wrote: “I feel happy to follow the path of the Lord from my smartphone.”

The “worst robbers in Belgium” were tricked by a shopkeeper into returning to his business so that police could arrest them. The owner of the e-cigarette shop in Charleroi, Belgium, identified as Didier, was confronted by six robbers at about 3pm. “I told them that 3pm is not the best time to hold up a store,” he said. He convinced them to come back later, promising them s2,000-s3,000. They came again at 5.30pm, but Didier told them it wasn’t yet closing time. When they returned at 6:30pm, the police were in the shop, ready to catch them.

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