The Week

More power to the foot


To The Guardian

Your article about green number plates overemphas­ises the role electric vehicles (EVs) can play in the UK’s zeroemissi­on revolution. While they are an important part of the solution to reach the UK’s legal target of net zero carbon emissions, the Government should not rely on a single technology. In fact, building a battery pack for an EV is incredibly energy-intensive, and it takes significan­t mileage before the EV has worked off the CO2 released during its manufactur­e.

In addition, they will play little part in cleaning up the toxic air which plagues our cities and towns. Particulat­e matter is one of the greatest threats to human health, with no safe levels, and research shows that in London, 45% of it has been attributed to tyre and brake wear. Furthermor­e, they will not make our streets safer, less congested or more attractive places to move around. Rather than focusing on EVs, the Government should be doing everything it can to shift people away from driving to healthy, clean alternativ­es such as walking and cycling for shorter journeys. This is the best way to reach a zero-carbon future.

The Government needs to put an end to building more roads for cars, and instead make walking and cycling the easiest and most convenient options for more people. Pedestrian­s and people on cycles should have priority, and networks of protected cycle lanes on main roads should be the norm so that everyone feels more confident travelling around.

Rachel White, head of public affairs at Sustrans

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