The Week

Pick of the week’s Gossip


Boris Johnson’s holiday in Scotland with fiancée Carrie Symonds and baby Wilfred was supposed to be a low-key affair. He’d implied he was going camping. In fact, they stayed in a cottage at Applecross, in the Highlands, with a bell tent in an adjoining field. It’s not clear who the tent was for: there was speculatio­n they had a guest to stay, or that the PM’s security guards slept in it. Either way, its presence annoyed the farmer who owned the field. “Usually if people want to go inside a fenced area, they ask for permission first, but I was not asked at all,” he told the Daily Mail. “It is only polite to ask.”

Kellyanne Conway has quit as Donald Trump’s senior aide – after one family feud too many. Her husband, George, had already joined a conservati­ve campaign against Trump – causing the president to label him a “deranged loser”. Then her 15-year-old daughter Claudia entered the fray too, publicly accusing her mother of being greedy and selfish for pursuing a job that had “ruined my life”. In her resignatio­n letter, Conway said she wanted “less drama, more mama”.

Norman Tebbit was bound to have an awkward time when, as a minister in the Thatcher era, he visited a benefits office. But the staff were on their best behaviour and all went smoothly. As he left, however, Tebbit nipped into the gents, while the manager waited for him. A colleague then came in, and asked the manager cheerily: “Has the bastard gone yet?” “No,” came the reply came from a cubicle. “The bastard’s still here.”

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