Trail (UK)

Cleaning your boots…


1 Remove the laces and dust off any surface mud or grime. Getting deep into creases and extracting the tongue is important as this is often where deposits build up. Wet the outside of the boot, ideally without saturating it if it’s fabric. 2 Scrub the boot with a cleaning product, such as Storm Footwear Cleaner, which is suitable for leather or fabric, either using a non-scratch sponge or a soft-bristle brush. As it begins to foam, work the suds of the cleaner into the nooks and crannies of the boot. 3 Remove the insoles, shake out any debris that’s gathered in there and rinse the inside of the boot off with a low-pressure hose. This is the best way to clean and unclog membranes, such as Gore-Tex. 4 Once you’ve rinsed off the cleaner, leave your boots to dry naturally away from any heat sources. A good method is to stuff them with balls of rolled-up newspaper, which will soak up moisture. Refresh the newspaper every hour or so for the speediest results.

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