Trail (UK)

Haystacks to Red Pike


1 NY204132 Re-trace the steps you took to find the bothy yesterday evening, heading east then south-east to rejoin a clear path. Head south, fork right at a junction and aim west on a good path. Pass to the south of Green Crag and to the north of Blackbeck Tarn, before continuing west to Innominate Tarn, the resting place of Alfred Wainwright. From here the path, which is rocky but easy to follow, veers north-west. Ascend gently, bypassing to the left of a hump with a spot height of 582m, and climb to the summit of Haystacks.

2 NY193131 Take the path which drops west over steep and rocky but relatively easy terrain to the popular col of Scarth Gap. From the pass, head west and take the path winding steeply through crags towards Seat. The gradient soon eases and the path veers north-west to bypass to the right of Seat’s summit. Drop down easily to a small col, marked by a large cairn, before ascending a zig-zagging, stone-pitched path up the loose screes of Gamlin End. Arrive at the summit of High Crag.

3 NY180139 Descend briefly west to the col above White Cove. Follow the crest of the ridge – the so-called Buttermere Edge – and ascend easily north-west. Pass above Comb Crags and next Eagle Crag, with several large cairns marking the way. Turn right at the top, by the largest cairn, and head out along High Stile’s northeaste­rn spur to the 807m summit. Retrace your steps to the cairn then head west, following old iron fence posts over rough rocky terrain. Continue west, following the path as it weaves downhill over loose and boulder-strewn terrain to reach another col. The path veers north-west above Chapel Crags towards Red Pike, before veering north to the reach the summit, which has a cairn and wind shelter.

4 NY160154 Follow a red scree path north-east, guided by cairns, to pick up the stone pitched path descending steeply north-east and east to Bleaberry Tarn beyond a wall. From the north-eastern tip of the tarn, turn left, cross Sourmilk Gill and head north-north-east on softer ground with heather on both sides. The path becomes firmer again and forks. Take the left fork, sticking close to a drystone wall. Walk alongside Sourmilk Gill before veering east. The path begins to zigzag sharply downhill, before heading north. Pass through a gate, walk north through woodland and arrive at the lakeshore path. Fork left, cross the bridge over Buttermere Dubs stream and head north on the tourist path back into Buttermere village. Pass to the right of the Fish Inn and The Bridge Hotel. Fork right and then left past St James’ Church and take the Newlands Pass back to your car.

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Innominate Tarn. 4 3 2 1
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