TV Times

question Time


1. Springwatc­h first aired in 2005 – can you name the original presenting trio? And you’ll get a bonus point if you can tell us they were based?

Michaela: Kate Humble,

Bill Oddie and Simon King.

Chris: They were based on a farm in Devon.

TVT: Correct and you got the bonus point! 2 points

2. How many different species of hedgehog are there in the world?

Michaela: I don’t have a clue! Five? Chris: No, it’s more than five. I’m going between 12 and 18. 15?

TVT: Close – there are 17. 0 points

3. When were grey squirrels introduced to Britain?

Chris (before we’ve even finished asking the question!): 1876.

TVT: Impressive! 1 point

4. What is the collective noun for a) starlings and b) frogs?

Michaela: Starlings must be a murmuratio­n. Frogs are… an army?

TVT: Excellent! 1 point

5. Purple hairstreak and Large skipper are…?

Chris: Butterflie­s.

TVT: You’re on fire! 1 point

6. What family do otters and weasals belong to?

Michaela: Mustelidae. Chris: Correct!

TVT: Yes! 1 point

7. True or false: Barn owls have lopsided ear openings?

Together: True.

Chris: It enables them to judge the distance that a sound is away from them without moving from one place to another.

TVT: Spot on. 1 point

8. What is the scientific name for a puffin?

Chris: Fratercula arctica. TVT: Wow! 1 point

9. Which British creature hit headlines recently when it was revealed that a common spring pesticide could affect its life cycle?

Michaela: Bees.

TVT: Yes! 1 point

10. Spring is an important breeding time for toads. Who voiced Toad in itv’s 1983 adaptation of the wind in the willows?

Michaela: Ian Carmichael.

TVT. No, Ian voiced Rat.

David Jason was Toad. 0 points

11. What did Beatrix Potter name her leading fox?

Chris: I’ve never read them.

Michaela: What’s a foxy name? TVT: It’s Mr Tod! 0 points

12. Spring affair was a 1976 hit for which disco singer?

Michaela: Donna Summer. TVT: Yes! You got 10 out of 13. Well done!

Chris: You did well with the frog guess, Michaela, I didn’t know that. It was a good quiz, I liked that, thank you TV Times!

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