TV Times

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Gillian Wright (right) says she’d like another stint as Jean Slater. ‘I like bobbing in and out,’ says the actress, who has played Stacey’s mum on and off since 2004, adding: ‘With a new executive coming in, I hope they don’t kill me off!’ In the meantime, Gillian is preparing for panto. She’ll play the baddie in Sleeping Beauty at the Norwich theatre royal, from 13 December to 14 January 2018. Alex Ferns, (left) who played abusive trevor Morgan in the soap, is treading the boards in a new black comedy called

Rabbits. It’s a curious tale of a man who comes up with a bizarre plan to save his troubled marriage – by having the pet rabbit that he shares with his wife murdered by a psychopath. the show runs from 26th July to 19th August at the park theatre in London’s Finsbury park.

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