Uxbridge Gazette

When we come out of lockdown we should realise what a good job us mums do


- Credit: Owen James Vincent

NOW our children are at home 24/7, chances are we could do with a little light relief. Presenters of The Hot Mess Mums Club podcast, Kelly Pegg and Jenny Powell, are aiming to provide just that.

The hosts are joined by guests to provide an insight into all sorts of topics from anxiety, to nutrition and staying sane under lockdown.

We asked Kelly and Jenny about their own experience­s.

How have you both been coping in lockdown?

KELLY: My son’s two and I am at home a lot, so it’s not changed that much for me. It’s just having everyone here all the time.

I suppose I’m quite lucky – it’s not like I’ve gone from being out and socialisin­g like normal people…

We joke that I’ve been selfisolat­ing for probably the past two years, really.

JENNY: It’s not a joke, it’s serious. Every time I see Kelly it’s like “Kelly, you’ve got to get out. You can’t live like this”. The first person I thought of when isolation was mentioned was Kelly. Her life has not changed.

My life’s completely f***ed up now! I do events and weirdly it’s made me realise how much of my job was my social scene and of course that’s all gone.

Hosting big events was my big night out. So that was a bit of an adjustment all of a sudden.

For me I have embraced being at home with everybody but I do realise that I can’t stay at home very often!

My daughter Connie came downstairs this morning and she went, “God this kitchen’s clean mum.”

I thought blooming hell, she’s never said that, ever.

Are you living a healthier lifestyle at home?

KELLY: I’m being super healthy and really looking after myself. It helps with your immune system.

JENNY: I have been doing yoga. It makes me a better person so everybody else has got a better chance of being happy in the house!

Are you bothering to get dressed, do your hair and make-up?

JENNY: I’ve got my eyelash extensions on and I’ve got some false ones ready so I can look like a real drag queen.

As I’m running out of make-up I’m going to be using the bottom of the make-up bag and all that stuff that is three years old so I really will look like Aunt Sally.

KELLY: She looks so glamorous and

I’m there with my dressing gown that’s got a massive hole in, and no make-up, nothing. I’m like this all day every day. We’re so different. JENNY: I’ve just messaged the company that gives me all my lovely gowns for events and she sent me a couple of dresses which are absolutely beautiful. So I said, “Look, I know it’s not a big event, but do you mind if I wear it for my birthday instead of interviewi­ng Al Pacino?” I’ve not got a reply yet…

What can we learn from being in isolation?

KELLY: When we do come out of this we should realise the important things in life and, as mums, what a bl**dy good job we do.

JENNY: We won’t be taken for granted again. I know for a fact that

I keep the morale going in this house. It’s me and the dog. We’re like vigilantes.

KELLY: As much as they might drive you up the wall – I’ve been locking myself in the bathroom regularly for time out – we will never get this time again where we don’t have to rush around like mad, getting everyone sorted.

We can try and embrace that time with them because when it does go back to normal they’re gone again, aren’t they? You have got to think about it like that. It helps get you through it.

Do you think things will change after all this?

KELLY: I hope people embrace being real. There is a lot of falseness out there, particular­ly on social media and it has a real impact on people’s mental health, especially women.

These people want real. They want to be honest but not miserable – I think it’s important to try and stay positive which is what Jenny and I want to do with the special episodes we’re putting out. We want people to laugh and forget what’s going on, but still be relevant as well.

JENNY: On social media now we are seeing celebritie­s at home pulling their hair out and trying to survive like the rest of us. Everyone is the same in this situation. You can’t fake it really. Some people have got lovely houses though. I wish I was self-isolating somewhere else. Jennifer Hudson – I quite fancy being at her house. There are some really cool gaffs out there, with pools, snooker tables, you name it. But they’re still having to stay in!

How can we stay positive and strong?

KELLY: Mums get anxiety but at a time like this it’s heightened and it’s really important to reach out and talk about it so women don’t feel alone.

If you look after yourself you can help control it. You have to have positivity.

JENNY: It’s alright to be relaxed and have a laugh.

My parents are 92 and 87 years old, they can’t get out anywhere or see anyone and they’re having a laugh, and they make me laugh.

KELLY: It’s about giving that support and making people feel included.

If they listen to me and Jenny and think, ‘Oh, so I’m not the only one that feels like that’, that’s good.

■ You can listen to The Hot Mess Mums Club on all podcast streaming services, or find it @thehotmess­mums on Instagram.

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 ??  ?? Yoga is helping Jenny be a better person
Yoga is helping Jenny be a better person
 ??  ?? Kelly Pegg and Jenny Powell of the Hot Mess Mums Club podcast
Try and embrace the extra time with your children
Kelly Pegg and Jenny Powell of the Hot Mess Mums Club podcast Try and embrace the extra time with your children

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